Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's Time

My period started for on April 24. This means the time for "trying" is nearly upon us. I told my husband this the other night and we agreed that there' s no point in putting it off anymore.
I woke up the next day terrified of being pregnant again.
The tiredness, the round belly, the weight, the waddle, the stuffy nose (apparently 30ish% of woman get this lovely malady when pregnant), the susceptibility to every little germ bug and then not being able to take anything but Tylenol when that bug attacks you, feeling unattractive, the fat fingers, being unbearably hot near the end, not being able to sit or stand comfortably, the sore...everything!
Fortunately morning sickness did not plague me (knock,knock - I know each pregnancy is different), and despite that huge list my pregnancy was not particularly difficult. I did not enjoy my pregnancy the first time. I was actually embarrassed by my appearance. I mean really, who likes looking like a whale?
This time, because it may be my last, I really want to enjoy the process; cherish it. I know of so many woman who give their right arm for the honour of carrying a child within.