Friday, April 24, 2009


I am in my early thirties and entering the adventure of pregnancy again. No, I'm not pregnant yet but I'm preparing to be. Perhaps my brain has gone overboard and caused me to over-think this process but there are a million and one thoughts circulating throughout my head that need to escape.
I know couples who admit openly when they are "trying" or going to start "trying". It's a comfortable topic to discuss with them, particularly the women.
I know other couples who are intensely private and no one else has a clue where they are at in the baby department.
Then there are the couples who allude to "trying" just enough so that other people have a general idea but not enough to really "know" what's going on. This would be us.
I love to talk about what's going on in my life. I would shout it from the rooftops the minute I was pregnant if it were not for my husband. As I said, I have many things I want to say about this process of having another baby yet in reality I don't really want everyone to know just in case - you know?
So here I am, the anonymous blogger, publicly writing down my inner, otherwise unsharable thoughts. I desperately hope and pray conception is swift and within a year I'll be able to redirect you to my other, more revealing blog.
Thank you for joining me!