Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eating Right

A couple of months ago I started a more diligent effort to live a healthier lifestyle. The exercise part I've done really well at but the is just too good!
My mom is also frustrated with trying to eat right and she has gained back some of the weight she worked so hard to loose a couple of years ago. We both know how to eat properly but the accountability factor is what is missing. It's especially hard when the two of us have husbands who aren't as concerned about what they eat. So we are going to answer to each other.
We're aiming for a realistic approach to eating. Yes we want results but with most "diets" people loose the weight and then gain a wack back again. We don't want that to happen to us. Besides, who can give up desserts and chips completely and not be grumpy about it? We want a lifestyle we can keep up. A few simple rules for ourselves:
1. Bring healthy snacks to avoid grabbing the donuts in the coffee room at our jobs.
2. Eat regularly to curb hunger and prevent possible binge eating.
3. If we have a treat make sure it is worth the calories and eat less of it.
4. Keep the amount of unhealthy food available at home to a minimum.
5. When we go out, exercise discretion and control.

Yesterday was day one and we did really well. My mom wishes to loose some weight. I, of course, hope to be pregnant soon where weight loss is not good. My goal is to be healthy for a healthy future baby and do what I can for my body to help it get through the process easier.